Silencing Our Conscience

Yesterday David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were indicted by a grand jury. They are the investigative journalists of The Center for Medical Progress behind the sting operation who procured secret video footage of Planned Parenthood’s executives admitting to fetal part sales from abortions and many other ethically egregious (though legally ambiguous) admissions.

Meanwhile, an entire industry based on the killing of babies in utero is left untouched. We have an entire field of doctors turned legal murderers and few are even willing to consider whether our legal system should be changed to prevent this. Not only do we look on as they continue this practice under the protection of the law, but we have moved to penalize those who are exposing how truly dehumanizing their practice is (for mother, child, and doctor).

History seems doomed to repeat itself indeed.

During the rise of Nazism there was a group of students who boldly denounced all actions of the Nazi party. They were known as The White Rose, and put out several leaflets condemning the Nazi party as criminal, and urged Germans to take a stand against Hitler and his regime instead of taking part in collective guilt whether by action or apathy. They proclaimed in one such pamphlet, “We will not be silent. We are your bad Conscience. The White Rose will give you no rest.”

Similarly Daleiden and the CMP have been the collective American conscience, forcing us to look directly into the fire of the abortion industry that for so long we have avoided out of fear of being burned.

But instead of putting a halt to it, America has attempted to silence the conscience.

I’m sure there are many reasons contributing to this collective silencing.

Some may be shouting with legalism that Daleiden and Merritt are in fact law-breakers, and whatever “good” may have come out of it, the bad they did should be punished.

I suppose the same could be said of the students of The White Rose, who broke German law with their pamphlets, they must have deserved their resulting beheading for breaking the law, whatever “good” they accomplished.

Some may simply be pushing their heads further into the sand, ignoring the war that wages over the life of children and the well-being of their mothers, and leaving the fight to others. Perhaps they even resent Daleiden for bringing such a distasteful subject to America’s attention. It certainly doesn’t make for good dinner conversation.

I imagine the “euthanasia” project made for awkward small talk over German tables too.

Then there are those who continue to stand by Planned Parenthood, who see Daleidan and CMP as nothing more than an extremist group trying to shut down an organization that aims to help women.

Though there are similarities between Nazis and Planned Parenthood, they are not identical. Planned Parenthood isn’t knocking down doors to arrest people or reenacting Kristallnacht. Most people in Planned Parenthood clinics believe they are doing something good for the women who enter their doors. Most of them don’t hate babies: they just want to be sure that babies that are born are babies that are wanted. Most abortionists truly believe they are doing a good thing, that what they do is merciful and helps bring about a better tomorrow. Planned Parenthood doesn’t seem like an evil, tyrannical establishment seeking to annihilate an entire people group.

Unless you’re one of the babies they deem unwanted.

The thing is, Nazism seemed like a good thing to most Volk-loving Germans too. It seemed like a benevolent establishment who wanted to help the working class, to bring jobs to the poor, and strengthen a nation that had been decimated by a lost war. And the Nazi doctors truly believed in what they did, too. They really believed that by getting rid of the unwanted, or those who were “unfit for life”, they were being merciful and making the world a better place in the process. For most Germans, the rise of the National Socialist Party seemed like a good thing.

Unless you were one of the people they deemed unwanted.

In the mind of Planned Parenthood (and abortion supporters) a woman cannot reach her full potential (or progress) when she is under the burden of an unwanted pregnancy. For Nazis the German people could not reach their full potential (or progress) because they were under the burden of unwanted peoples. They both believe a human ideal can only be achieved if we stratify human value based on external, measurable definitions, and then rid ourselves of those who don’t measure up.


But what if our potential is not reached by forcing someone to die on our behalf, but by being willing to die (figuratively and literally) on their behalf instead?

What if our hope is not in progress but a person?

What if the human ideal is not Nietzsche’s progressive Superman, but Jesus?




  1. Wow, that was an amazing comparison. Would you mind if I posted a link back to this on my blog?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Go for it! Thanks for sharing it

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I hesitate sometimes when I hear someone using a Nazi comparison, because it has been so over-used to the point of almost losing its meaning and rhetorical power. However, you found a way to deepen the comparison and show how if nothing else does, abortion clinics do bear disturbing similarities to the values, motivations, and excuses underlying Nazi practices.

    Also, re: Daleidan et al. breaking the law, I can understand how the grand jury returned guilty verdicts, but at the same time I am reminded of Jesus’ indictment of Pharisees who “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel” (Matt. 23:24). I have been increasingly disillusioned with our justice system, which in general seems to be much better at holding people to the technicalities of contracts and laws than it is at actually seeking justice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for you comment, I think you may have summarized my point better than I did 😀
      I agree, the Nazi comparison tends to be overused (and largely rejected by those in support of abortion). I think their are enough large differences between the two that blanketed statements comparing them can often be more harm than help in discussion, but like you affirm, it is the values and motivations that are akin, and while they manifest differently their likeness should be disturbing to everyone (and this does not even mention their similar roots in eugenics and Margaret Sanger’s–Planned Parenthood’s founder– support and aid of the Nazi party).
      Well said. I agree, according to the law Daleiden and company are both guilty of the indictments, but the question remains as to whether this is justice or a continued support of a corrupt system (as you so aptly put). What’s more, I think Daleiden was well aware of what would be the repercussions for the actions he took, and yet he still committed his career to the cause of exposing them, he was willing to risk career, reputation, and his freedom in seeking justice for the unheard, and in the meantime most of America is unwilling to even speak up in a roomful of people who may disagree. If nothing else Daleiden’s actions ought to convict us in our apathy.
      Thank you for your comment!


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